In individual coaching, the client sets the agenda example topics may include;

  • Career management and transitions, business generation, time management, professional development and strategic development issues

  • Leadership and interpersonal skills development, team building, and conflict management.

  • Finding your direction, life purpose, goal setting and clarification.

  • Developing the confidence to identify needs and ask for reasonable accommodations and accessibility services at school and university.

  • Stress reduction strategies, boundary setting, meeting personal needs, family time, exploring new interests, finding hobbies and reducing hours.

  • Developing self-esteem, identifying negative self-talk/ thoughts, negativity bias, and emotional regulation

    * Coaching is not therapy and is not designed to diagnose or treat mental health disorders. The coach will stop any sessions beyond the scope of coaching and ask the client to engage a mental health professional before returning to coaching*.

  • ADHD can affect financial health and longevity. Coaching can help clients identify blocks or barriers preventing them from achieving financial goals.

  • Exploring how exercise, dietary habits, sleep, and self-care impact an individual's ADHD symptoms.


Book a Complimentary Discovery Session with me.

This session is an opportunity for you to:

·  ask questions about ADHD coaching

· decide if I am the right coach for you, and I will do my best coaching with you.

·  Discuss what you want from the coaching journey